Watershed Size: 33,581 acres
In 1957 a group of concerned landowners in Madison County formed the Badger Creek Watershed Committee to address concerns over flooding, siltation, crop loss, and bridge damage. The Badger Creek Watershed Subdistrict was organized under Iowa Code in 1961, and includes the Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) Madison, Warren and Dallas Counties.
The Subdistrict partnered with the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and PL-566 (the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program) to plan and construct 43 flood control structures throughout the watershed, including Badger Creek Lake, ponds, waterways, and grade control structures such as concrete dropboxes and aluminum toewalls.
The Subdistrict and the Madison County Board of Supervisors share responsibility for operation and maintenance of the structures. A tax levy on properties within the watershed provides funding for repairs and other maintenance activities on the flood control structures.
The Madison County SWCD holds permanent whole farm easements on the structures and surrounding land, and landowners should be aware of their responsibilities for protecting the flood control structures. Please read “Information for Property Owners in Badger Creek Watershed” (left) to learn more about required setbacks and other policies that apply to properties within easements.
The Subdistrict is governed by soil and water conservation district commissioners from the three SWCDs, with the assistance of three appointed trustees who live in the watershed. An Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing is held each winter, and an Operation and Maintenance Tour is organized each summer to assess the status of flood control structures determine where repairs are needed.
Badger Creek Watershed Subdistrict Officers (2024):
Chair: Frederick Martens
Vice Chair: Eric Wessels
Secretary/Treasurer: Tim Palmer
Badger Creek Watershed Trustees (3 year terms, based on state fiscal year):
Frederick Martens (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024)
Dan Hanrahan (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025)
Mike Koch (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026)
Frederick Martens (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027)
More Information:
Information for Property Owners in Badger Creek Watershed
Badger Creek Watershed Breach Inundation Study
NRCS Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations (WFPO) Program
Badger Creek Watershed EQIP National Water Quality Initiative Brochure